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As a recipient of the “Tell Us About UAL” Award, I was asked to create an artefact that reflected my learning and experiences at LCC – something that could be passed on to other incoming students.

For my submission, I worked on a publication that categorised each of my experiences by the sense it was associated with – visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, etc. Featuring hand made illustrations, self reflections and photography, this book speaks of change, memory & adaptation. 

My artefact is now housed permanently in the London College of Communication archival space. It is also featured on the Shades of Noir website.


Displayed above are a selection of spreads and closeups of the book that I created.

Here is my interview with Shades of Noir, in relation to winning this award, and the artefact I created as a response.

Here is my profile as a WoC creative on Shades of Noir.

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